This "specification" is designed to standardize the meaning of ANSI-BBS in the communications world. It is split into three parts. General definitions are contained in the core document, specifications for the handling of server to client communications and saved ANSI-BBS files are contained in this document, and client to server specicifications are contained in the Client Communications document.
This is not a comprehensive ANSI specification, but a compilation of current common practices.
Almost all ANSI-BBS terminals are 80 columns wide and usually default to 24 rows high. Is is widely considered acceptable to assume 80 columns, but not considered acceptable to assume
24 rows. Other common hights include 23, 25, 42, and 49 rows.
Most english BBS software assumes that IBM CodePage 437 is in use at all times, and extensive use is made of the extended ASCII characters in the 128-255 range. In many cases, if the
user asserts that he supports ANSI, that user is assumed to be using this codepage. This is flawed but exceedingly common. In many countries not in North America, the most common
codepage will not be IBM CodePage 437, which will cause visual glitches in a significant number of BBS programs.
Also common is the usage of some of the so-called "low ASCII" characters which IBM systems will use when control characters (those from zero to 31) are displayed. Only five
are generally interpreted as control characters. Using terminals intended for non-BBS use will often cause glitches and outright malfunctions when used with BBS software. Many of these
terminals will not display anything for these characters. Another group will display different glyphs for these. Most will cause exceedingly bad effects when certain control characters
are sent to the terminal. The worst control sequences, their effects, and work-arounds are as follows:
- SO (0x0e): Shift Out
- Effects: Terminals which properly support the Shift Out control character will cause the meanings of all following characters to be changed. This will result in "gibberish"
being displayed after this character is sent to the terminal.
Work-around: After sending an SO character, send the "Shift In" character (0x0f) followed by a backspace, a space, then another backspace. The SI character "undoes" what
the SO character does. The backspace space backspace sequence erases the SI character on terminals which display it as the "white sun with rays" character.
- ENQ (0x05): Enquiry
- Effects: Terminals which properly support the Enquiry will send an arbitrary identification string back to the sender. This will be interpreted as characters which were
entered by the user. It is quite common to encounter a loop by which one or more of the reply characters trigger another ENQ to be sent.
Work-around: Send a CSI6n
after the ENQ then discard all input until the response is recieved.
End of line behaviour (wrapping)
This behaviour is a major weakness in the current ANSI-BBS world. Because there is no officially correct behaviour at the end of a line, many different methods have been implemented
by different terminal programs. The end result is that you cannot rely on what happens after a character is placed at the end of a line. In general, people simply avoid using the last
column. This isn't necessary however since you can work-around this by using an absolute character positioning after writing to the last column. It is encouraged that programs which
create ANSI art handle writes to the last column in this manner. The best method to use is as follows:
- At the beginning of a line which contains a character in column 80, add a line feed (0x0a) followed by the ESC [ A sequence to move the cursor back to the previous line. This forces
a scroll if the current line is the last one on the screen.
- Add an ESC [ s sequence to save the cursor position.
- After the character is written to column 80, add an ESC [ u sequence to restore the cursor position
- Add a carriage return (0x0d) then line feed (0x0a). The CR/LF combination is used to allow proper line ending detection on Microsoft operating systems.
This document will often speak of attributes. An attribute is a complete combination of four different factors which effect visual presentation of a character. These factors are:
- Blink Characters blink while displayed. On some terminals, this selects a Bold/Bright background colour. This most often happens with Windows programs that use the Win32 console for output and are running in windowed mode. With these terminals, the text will correctly blink while in full-screen mode.
- Bold/Bright Characters are displayed with a more intense foreground colour
- Foreground colour The colour the characters themselves are displayed in
- Background colour The colour of unset pixels behind a character
Control characters:
While control characters have well defined meanings intended for terminals, BBS tradition has
used these to display IBMs "low ascii" glyphs. Because if this historical usage, we must therefore
support this if we intend to be compatible with a larger number of door games. In the standards,
these are referred to as the C0 control function set.
This is a list of control characters and either their effect or the glyph which they display
- NUL (0x00):
- No action. The NULL character is silently discarded. Traditionally, the NUL character has been
used as a pad character by UNIX systems. Because of this historical usage, this must be retained.
DoorWay mode also makes extensive use of the NULL character.
- SOL (0x01):
- This will display the "while smiling face" (☺) character which is unicode
9786 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- STX (0x02):
- This will display the "black smiling face" (☻) character which is unicode
9787 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- ETX (0x03):
- This will display the "black heart suit" (♥) character which is unicode
9829 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- EOT (0x04):
- This will display the "black diamond suit" (♦) character which is unicode
9830 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- ENQ (0x05):
- This will display the "black club suit" (♣) character which is unicode
9827 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- ACK (0x06):
- This will display the "black spade suit" (♠) character which is unicode
9824 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- BEL (0x07):
- Beep - Causes the terminal to make a beep sound.
The duration and frequency of the beep is up to the implementor and a
system "beep" should be used when possible. However, as a rough guide,
440Hz, 100ms duration has been used by some terminals.
- BS (0x08):
- Backspace. Moves cursor position to
the previous column unless the current column is the
first, in which case no operation is performed.
This may or may not be implemented as a "destructive" backspace which will remove the character from
that position too and possibly change the current background colour to the current one.
Because of this ambuguity, it is strongly suggested that you always use the backspace space backspace
sequence. The specification calls for a NON destructive backspace.
- TAB (0x09): (Subject to discussion)
- Moves to the next tab stop. This may or may not erase characters from the current location
to the new one. The specification indicates that the characters should NOT be erased.
- LF (0x0a):
- Move cursor position to same column of the next row.
If current row is the last row, scrolls the screen up
and fills the new row with the current attribute.
- VT (0x0b):
- This will display the "male sign" (♂) character which is unicode
9794 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- FF (0x0c):
- Clears screen and homes cursor. Same as CSI
- CR (0x0d):
- Move cursor position to column 1 of the current line
- SO (0x0e):
- This will display the "beamed eighth notes" (♫) character which is unicode
9835 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character. Not supported by mTelnet
- SI (0x0f):
- This will display the "white sun with rays" (☼) character which is unicode
9788 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character. Not supported by mTelnet
- DLE (0x10):
- This will display the "black right-pointing pointer" (▶) character which is
unicode 9654 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This
will be treated as a normal character.
- DC1 (0x11):
- This will display the "black left-pointing pointer" (◀) character which is
unicode 9664 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This
will be treated as a normal character.
- DC2 (0x12):
- This will display the "up down arrow" (↕) character which is unicode
8597 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- DC3 (0x13):
- This will display the "double exclamation mark" (‼) character which is
unicode 8252 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This
will be treated as a normal character.
- DC4 (0x14):
- This will display the "pilcrow sign" (¶) character which is
unicode 182 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This
will be treated as a normal character.
- NAK (0x15):
- This will display the "section sign" (§) character which is unicode
167 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- SYN (0x16):
- This will display the "black rectangle" (▬) character which is unicode
9644 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will
be treated as a normal character.
- ETB (0x17):
- This will display the "up down arrow with base" (↨) character which is
unicode 8616 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This
will be treated as a normal character.
- CAN (0x18):
- This will display the "upwards arrow" (↑) character which is unicode 8593
and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will be
treated as a normal character.
- EM (0x19):
- This will display the "downwards arrow" (↓) character which is unicode 8595
and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will be
treated as a normal character.
- SUB (0x1a):
- This will display the "rightwards arrow" (→) character which is unicode
8594 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will be
treated as a normal character.
- ESC (0x1b): (Subject to discussion)
- This chacter is reserved for use to introduce control codes and control
- FS (0x1c): (Subject to discussion)
- This will display the "turned not sign" (⌙) character which is unicode 8985
and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will be
treated as a normal character.
- It has been suggested that the far more common "right angle" (∟)
which is unicode 8735 be used here. Apparently, IBM now uses
this character in their maps.
- GS (0x1d):
- This will display the "left right arrow" (↔) character which is unicode
8596 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437. This will be
treated as a normal character.
- RS (0x1e):
- This will display the "black up-pointing triangle" (▲) character which is
unicode 9650 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437.
This will be treated as a normal character.
- US (0x1f):
- This will display the "black down-pointing triangle" (▼) character which is
unicode 9660 and occupies this slot on IBMs running codepage 437.
This will be treated as a normal character.
Two-byte control functions
Two-byte control function format
Known as the "7-bit C1 control function set" for '@' to '_' and the "Independant control functions" for '`' to '~'
in standards, these are two-byte combinations which do not take any parameters. The first byte is always
an ESC (0x1b) character. The second byte is from the range
'@' (0x40) to '~' (0x7e) inclusive.
Unhandled functions
If a legal function which the terminal does not support is encountered, that function should be
silently ignored.
Illegal functions
An illegal function is defined as any ESC character followed by any character which is not in the
range of '@' (0x40) to '~' (0x5f) inclusive.
When an illegal function is encountered, the terminal should attempt to make this known to the user in some manner. Commonly all or part of the sequence itself is displayed
Defined Control Functions (in alphabetical order by the second byte)
- Control sequence Introducer (CSI)
This indicates the start of a control sequence. See the section on control sequences below for
more details.
Control Sequences:
Control Sequence Format
Control sequences make up the bulk of the ANSI-BBS spec. And contain four distinct parts which are, in order:
- Control Sequence Introducer (CSI)
- The two-character CSI consists of the ESC character (0x1b)
followed by the '[' character (0x5b)
- Parameter Bytes (PBs)
- Parameter bytes consist of zero of more of the characters from '0' (0x30) to '?' (0x3f)
- Intermediate Bytes (IBs)
- Intermediate bytes consist of zero or more of the charaters from ' ' (0x20) to '/' (0x2f)
- Final Byte (FB)
- The final byte consists of one of the characters from '@' (0x40) to '~' (0x7e)
All control sequences begin with a CSI, are followed by a series of zero or more PBs which are followed by zero or more IBs and terminated with a FB. The IBs and the FB together make a string which defines the Control Function CF.
Parameter Byte Formats
If a parameter byte string consists of only characters from '0' to ';' inclusive ("0123456789:;") then it is interpreted as a list of semi-colon (';') separated numeric values. The meaning of a colon in a value must be defined by the control function. If it is not so defined, anything between a colon and the end of that sub-parameter is ignored (ie: up to the next semi-colon, IB, or FB).
If a parameter byte string begins with one of the chrarcters from '<' to '?' inclusive ("<=>?") then it is part of an extension which will be defined in another document.
If a parameter byte string begins with one of the characters from '0' to ';' inclusive ("01234567890:;") but contains one of the characters from '<' to '?' ("<=>?"), it is deemed to be an illegal sequence and should be handled accordingly.
Unhandled sequences
If a legal sequence which the terminal does not support is encountered, that sequence should be silently ignored. If one item in a parameter list is not handled, only that single unhandled parameter should be ignored. All other parameters from the list should be handled.
Illegal sequences
An illegal sequence is defined as:
- A sequence which begins with a CSI but has any IB character before any PB character.
- A sequence which begins with a CSI and contains a character which is not a legal PB, IB, or FB
- A sequence which begins with a CSI, is followed by a PB from the set of charaters from '0' to ';' inclusive, and contains a PB from the set of characters from '<' to '?' inclusive.
When an illegal sequence is encountered, the terminal should attempt to make this known to the user in some manner. Commonly all or part of the sequence itself is displayed
Defined Control Sequences (in alphabetical order by FB)
The following is a list of commonly defined control sequences for ANSI-BBS terminals. Parameters will be indicated by one of:
- p# where # is replaced with a number. This is used to indicate an order-specific parameter. That is to say, p2 *must* be the second parameter. Defaults will be defined for each so-indicated parameter. If this parameter is omitted or empty, the default will be used.
- pX indicates that multiple numeric parameters are accepted in any order.
where '?' is one of the characters from '<' to '?' inclusive. This inducates that this charater MUST be used in this position.
IBs and FBs will be shown Like this
- CSIp1
- Insert Character(s)
Defaults: p1 = 1
Moves text from the current position to the right edge p1 characters
to the right, with rightmost charaters going off-screen and the
resulting hole being filled with the current attribute.
Not supported by mTelnet
- CSIp1
- Cursor Up
Defaults: p1 = 1
Moves the cursor position up p1 lines from the current position.
Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor
at the screen boundary.
- CSIp1
- Cursor Down
Defaults: p1 = 1
Moves the cursor position down p1 lines from the current position.
Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor
at the screen boundary.
- CSIp1
- Cursor Right
Defaults: p1 = 1
Moves the cursor position right p1 columns from the current position.
Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor
at the screen boundary.
- CSIp1
- Cursor Left
Defaults: p1 = 1
Moves the cursor position left p1 columns from the current position.
Attempting to move past the screen boundaries stops the cursor
at the screen boundary.
- CSIp1;p2
- CSIp1;p2
- Cusror Position
Defaults: p1 = 1 p2 = 1
Moves the cursor to the p2th column of the p1th line.
- CSIp1
(Subject to discussion)
- Erase in Page
Defaults: p1 = 0
Erases from the current screen according to the value of p1
- Erase from the current position to the end of the screen.
- Erase from the current position to the start of the screen.
- Erase entire screen. As a violation of ECMA-048, also moves
the cursor to position 1/1 as a number of BBS programs assume
this behaviour.
Erased characters are set to the current attribute.
- Should ESC 2 J violate the spec?
- CSIp1
- Erase in Line
Defaults: p1 = 0
Erases from the current line according to the value of p1
- Erase from the current position to the end of the line.
- Erase from the current position to the start of the line.
- Erase entire line.
Erased characters are set to the current attribute.
mTelnet interprets any sequence ending in 'K' as though p1 is zero
- CSIp1
- Insert Line(s)
Defaults: p1 = 1
Inserts p1 lines at the current line position. The current line and
those after it are scrolled down and the new empty lines are filled with
the current attribute.
- CSIp1
- Delete Line(s)
Defaults: p1 = 1
Deletes the current line and the p1 - 1 lines after it scrolling the
first non-deleted line up to the current line and filling the newly
empty lines at the end of the screen with the current attribute.
- CSIp1
- Delete Character
Defaults: p1 = 1
Deletes the character at the current position by shifting all characters
from the current column + p1 left to the current column. Opened blanks
at the end of the line are filled with the current attribute.
Not supported by mTelnet
- CSIp1
- Scroll Up
Defaults: p1 = 1
Scrolls all text on the screen up p1 lines. New lines emptied at the bottom are filled with the current attribute.
Not supported by mTelnet
- CSIp1
- Scroll Down
Defaults: p1 = 1
Scrolls all text on the screen down p1 lines. New lines emptied at the top are filled with the current attribute.
Not supported by mTelnet
- CSIp1
- Erase Character
Defaults: p1 = 1
Erases p1 characters starting at the corrent position. Will not go past the
end of the line.
- CSIp1
- Cursor Backward Tabulation
Defaults: p1 = 1
Move the cursor to the p1th preceeding tab stop. Will not go past the
start of the line.
Not supported by mTelnet
- Select Graphic Rendition
Defaults: pX = 0
Sets or clears one or more text attributes. Unlimited parameters are
supported and are applied in received order. The following are
| Modifies |
pX | Description | Blink | Bold | FG | BG |
0 |
Default attribute, white on black |
X |
X |
X |
X |
1 |
Bright Intensity |
X |
2 |
Dim Intensity |
X |
5 |
Blink (slow) |
X |
6 |
Blink (fast) |
X |
7 |
Negative Image - Reverses FG and BG |
X |
X |
8 |
Concealed characters. Sets the FG to the BG |
X |
22 |
Normal intensity |
X |
25 |
Steady (not blinking) |
X |
30 |
Black foreground |
X |
31 |
Red foreground |
X |
32 |
Green foreground |
X |
33 |
Yellow foreground |
X |
34 |
Blue foreground |
X |
35 |
Magenta foreground |
X |
36 |
Cyan foreground |
X |
37 |
White foreground |
X |
40 |
Black background |
X |
41 |
Red background |
X |
42 |
Green background |
X |
43 |
Yellow background |
X |
44 |
Blue background |
X |
45 |
Magenta background |
X |
46 |
Cyan background |
X |
47 |
White background |
X |
- CSIp1
- Device Status Report
Defaults: p1 = 0
A request for a status report. ANSI-BBS terminals should handle at least the following values for p1
- Request active cursor position
terminal must reply with CSIp1;
where p1 is the current line number counting from one, and p2 is the current column.
NOTE: This sequences should not be present in saved ANSI-BBS files
- Save Current Cursor Position
No parameters
Saves the current cursor position for later restoring with CSIu
Source: DOS ANSI.SYS Documentation
- Restore Cursor Position
No parameters
Move the cursor to the last saved position. If no position has
been saved, the cursor is not moved.
Source: DOS ANSI.SYS Documentation
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